Posted by: nastylittletruths | April 7, 2009

Hot Off The Press

I believe everyone remembers that our 2008/2009 budget was ‘adjusted’ to cater for a decline in revenues of close to TT$5.3 billion, yes? God, I hope you did, because the way we are spending money it seems as if it wasn’t so at all! Anyway, to frighten the living daylights out of you (best way to get the adrenaline going and the subsequent action) the figure will be over TT$15 billion. Yes, that’s right… we are in serious doo doo and not one word about this while my good people are distracted by the summit.

And if local elections are called after the summit, another distraction, you won’t hear about that $15 billion… My source is straight from the Ministry of Finance and very credible. Oh yes, the pain is coming so I thought that it will be an opportune time to share this link (through another blog) of what happened in Argentina a litle over seven years ago. If you have time, look at all, but the first three really are the key ones:

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